FSUE Rosmorport says it has announced the competition for further construction of the international terminal in Pionersky of the Kaliningrad Region.
The contract foresees the completion of the freight and passenger terminal including 2 berths with the total length of 725 meters and a water area for freight and passenger ferries and modern cruise liners, a berth for port fleet ships with a total length of 110 meters, coast protection facilities, terminal building and infrastructure.
The project on construction of an international sea terminal for cruise and passenger vessels at Pionersky of the Kaliningrad Region is being implemented in pursuance of the presidential order by the Ministry of Transport in cooperation with Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot), FSUE Rosmorport and Kaliningrad Region Government in the framework of the Federal Targeted Programme “Development of Russia’s Transport System in 2010-2021”.
The project is expected to annually ensure up to 110 calls of cruise ships with at least 225,000 cruise passengers and 312 calls of ferries able to carry 80,000 passengers and 80,000 Ro-Ro units.
The works had been suspended from summer 2019. Disruption of the construction deadlines should be attributed to two factors: damage of the construction structures by a storm in January 2019 and nonfulfillment of obligations by a contractor with a failure to meet the construction schedule.
FSUE Rosmorport earlier acknowledged GT Sever LLC (Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region) as the winner of the e-tender announced to select an organization for adjustment (development) of project documentation on “Construction of sea port infrastructure in the port of Kaliningrad”. According to the unified procurement information system, the international sea terminal in Pionersky (Kaliningrad Region) is intended for cruise and passenger ships.
Related links:
Rosmorport completes work on preservation of structures at international maritime terminal under construction in Pionersky >>>>